特任副教授 地大学者青年优秀人才
200809-201006 中国南京 河海大学 硕士
201009-201411 荷兰 乌特列支大学 (Utrecht University) 博士
201501-201601 法国 法国地质调查局(BRGM) 博士后
201603-201809 英国 伦敦帝国理工学院 博士后
(Imperial College London)
201810-至今 中国 中国地质大学(武汉) 特任副教授
• 法国地调局博士后项目:
Zeta potential at the calcite mineral-electrolyte interface; effects of surface conductivity. Post-doctoral grant was supported by the BRGM-Carnot Institute
(法国地质调查局BRGM资助, 2015.1-2016.1, 60,000欧元).
• 英国伦敦帝国理工博士后项目:
Streaming potential measurements for improved understanding of controlled salinity waterflooding in sandstones
(帝国理工学院-Total道达尔石油公司资助项目, 2016.3-2018.9, 230,000英镑)
1. Li, S., H. Collini and M. D. Jackson (2018). "Anomalous Zeta Potential Trends in Natural Sandstones." Geophysical Research Letters 45(20): 11,068-011,073.
2. Leroy, P., S. Li, D. Jougnot, A. Revil and Y. X. Wu (2017). "Modelling the evolution of complex conductivity during calcite precipitation on glass beads." Geophysical Journal International 209(1): 123-140.
3. Li, S., P. Leroy, F. Heberling, N. Devau, D. Jougnot and C. Chiaberge (2016). "Influence of surface conductivity on the apparent zeta potential of calcite." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 468: 262-275.
4. Li, S., A. Raoof and R. Schotting (2014). "Solute dispersion under electric and pressure driven flows; pore scale processes." Journal of Hydrology 517: 1107-1113.